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The electric bike | Some figures | The different models of electric bicycles | How does it work | His advantages

Electric bike sales in 2017:

In 2017, in France, the sale of electric-assisted bicycle (ACE) to increase by 90% is 255'000 electric bikes sold. Unfortunately, there are no figures on electric bike sales in Mauritius.Source

The kinds of electric bikes

The electric bike for the city:Often use in big cities. This electric assistance bike is comfortable, powerful and requires a minimum of maintenance. Discover our mixed electric bikes, city and all terrain

Fat Bike or Oversized Tires Electric Bike is a mountain bike whose tires are very wide and allow you to ride easily on sand, snow or mud. Discover our Fat Bike electric bicycles

Folding electric bikes: Especially popular with cyclists who want to easily transport their bikes in public transport or by car.

The electric mountain bike:Mountain bike equipped with a discreet engine and very powerful to walk on any type of terrain.

The electric cargo bike: It wants to be robust and is equipped with a box to transport children or equipment. There are three types of electric cargo bike, the three-wheeled scooter as well as the dual carriers and the electric longtails. These are mounted with two reds. The longtails features an elongated luggage rack.

The electric bike, How does it work?

The electric bike or electric assistance is a bike to which it is added an electric motor. The latter can be present in the front wheel or back, in the pedal or remote with the help of a belt. A battery and charger are also added to the electric bike, depending on the technology, the latter provides a longer or shorter battery life. An electronic brain is also present and can manage the different components. Finally, there is often an electronic meter for the speed and battery life as well as some models of bike, an accelerator on the handlebars.

The advantages of riding an electric bike

Ideal for short distances, the electric bike avoids traffic jams and remains the most economical means of motorized transport on the two-wheelers market. Good for health, it protects the environment.


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